Unlike the classic commodity material, the Diventa Retail module is conceived on the principle of division of responsibilities and content between the central organizational unit (accounting - management) and points of sale. The management is in charge of price policy and commercial activities (contracts, brands, items, calculations, margins, rebates, shares) while the point of sale is in charge of entry and exit of goods and, of course, sales at cash registers.

    Unlike the classic commodity material, the Diventa Retail module is conceived on the principle of division of responsibilities and content between the central organizational unit (accounting - management) and points of sale. The management is in charge of price policy and commercial activities (contracts, brands, items, calculations, margins, rebates, shares) while the point of sale is in charge of entry and exit of goods and, of course, sales at cash registers. This module also supports the simultaneous posting of all documents in relevant locations so that accounting has an insight into the operations of each point of sale at all times.

    The module contains all the necessary documents for transfers between wholesale and retail facilities according to all industry rules. In addition to the program, entry can also be made by importing from handheld devices for which interfaces are made according to technical specifications, which gives commercialists and sales managers great freedom and efficiency in their work. In addition to simple and extremely fast work with documents that monitor the entire business process within retail facilities, the Diventa Retail module enables automatic keeping of all prescribed legal records, automatic ordering of goods from suppliers, consignment sales, automatic price leveling with smooth sales, automatic label creation with the possibility disclosure of double prices, promotional sales and discounts, simple records of payments and withdrawals, credit sales to individuals and legal entities, loyalty program.

    Among the advanced features, there are elaborated mechanisms for inventory control, item turnover, control inventory, dynamic sales and purchasing analysis, etc. This module also includes the Marketing module (invoicing of various services in retail stores), Production module and Loyality module , prizes, loyalty cards and other benefits for the consumer and customer club). Integrality is understood both between the mentioned modules of the Divente VDM system and with other modules of the Divente in such a way that all postings are automatically transferred to the Financial Accounting module.


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20000 Dubrovnik

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